Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Dropping a brief

So at the start of Summer I had decided to do some research and pre-production work on three briefs so when I came back in September, I would be ready no matter which brief I decided to do.

However, I have now decided to drop one of these briefs. It's probably better that I've realised this now, as it makes it easier to focus on the other two briefs, one of which I will be doing.

The brief I am dropping is brief two. This was the brief that was main product was a teaser trailer. I have to decided to drop it for a few reasons.

The first reason is that I don't think it allows to show off what I can do as well as the other briefs. Teaser trailers only last about a minute and a half at most, and that's a push. I think I'd struggle to fit what I wanted to fit in, in such a short space of time. The other briefs give me much more time and potential to show off what I can do.

The second reason is simply because I cannot find the inspiration for it unlike the other two briefs. I tried writing a script for it but I couldn't find my footing with it, and I had the same problem with the storyboards for it. I just realised that I simply prefer the other two briefs a whole lot more.

So, I've dropped that brief. This way I'll be able to focus more on the other two briefs that I actually feel that work best for me.

Reflection: I think this is a quite good thing, as it's better to realise now rather than later. As mentioned above, I can focus now on the other two briefs.

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