Monday 3 April 2017

Evaluation Website

I haven't been uploading too many blog posts recently, and that is because I have started my evaluation. On my website you can find all my final products plus all four questions. The website link is below.

Final Products

In this post I have attached all of my final products. The short film, the poster and the magazine article. The film has been through five drafts, the poster has been through seven drafts, and the magazine article has been through three drafts.

The Short Film

The Poster

The Magazine Article

Additional scenes

Last week after a focus group session, I decided to test some additional scenes in the film. These scenes were flashbacks, and took place in-between scenes on the bench.

The scenes were interesting and they did add some variation to my film in the sense of locations, angles and characters. However I felt, and so did my test audience, that the scenes just did not fit the flow of the film. I think the film works best with what I already had.

Reflective Comment:
I'm glad that I was able to test some additional footage, but it just didn't fit. I didn't want to upset the flow and atmosphere of my film by adding more scenes, but the testing was worth the time.

Thursday 23 March 2017

Wind Issue Solved!

So one issue that has been plaguing me since the very start of the editing process was the wind being too loud in the final scene. However it seems that I have finally found a solution. First I added Greg's music, which does slightly mask the wind. However I then used the Final Cut Pro audio editing software to use sound reduction to make the wind even harder to hear. With this combination, the wind is barely a problem anymore.

Reflective Comment:
I am very happy that I have found a solution to the problem that I was having. Without the wind problem there is very little outstanding issues that still need to be dealt with.

Grim Reaper Wedding Ring

When showing my short film to a few friends a couple of days ago a friend of mine pointed out how the Grim Reaper was wearing a wedding ring. While my friend thought this was an accident,  it actually was intentional.

When we started filming Peter (My Grim Reaper) asked if I wanted him to remove his wedding ring. I decided that he should keep it on, as it gives the Reaper another dimension.  I am already trying to push the idea that the Grim Reaper is actually just a normal person. Having him wearing a wedding ring and implying that he's got a wife adds to this.

Reflective Comment:
The Grim Reaper's wedding ring is more of a subtle signifier compared to other props. I feel this would not be noticed by everyone and would more likely be observed on a re-watch. 

Music Implemented into Film

A couple of weeks ago I sent my friend Greg a small table of timings for the music that he was going to create for me. The table, which can be found here, also included atmosphere examples.

Greg has now sent me four pieces of music. So far I have used two of these pieces. The first piece I have used for the opening scene, as it's quite dark and foreboding. The musical cues match with the cuts in the scenes. The second piece, is more ambient. It's dream like and fits well with when Nathan and the Grim Reaper are talking. Due to the length and variation of the piece, I can cut and splice what pieces of the song I want and different times.

Reflective Comment:
I didn't realise until I added some music how empty my short film sounded. The music compliments the scenes nicely and make for a more enjoyable overall viewing experience. I can't seem to find a way to upload the music to my blogger, but if I can I will add it. 

Creative Careers Fair Feedback

Last week my school hosted a Creative Careers evening. I was tasked to help set up for the night and to make sure things ran smoothly. I also asked if we could show our media productions to gave more audience feedback. We were allowed and Me, Max and Adam had a stall that showed off our posters and our short films.

I also created a short montage of all our productions, which was shown to over 150 people. Afterwards people came over to our stall and offered feedback. I received feedback such as that I need to edit out my wind in the final scene and that the film is severely lacking some music. I was told that my short film was impressive and that many people enjoyed it. I also had some surveys filled out regarding my film and poster.

Reflective Comment:
This feedback was quite unique because it wasn't from people I know. I've showed it too large amount of people in my sixth form and posted it so my social media, but on the night there were people from all different creative backgrounds which gave some very strong and critical feedback.