All the footage and photos.
So for the next few days I have several things that I can be working towards. I can create a better poster draft with the photos taken, I can also update my draft of my film and in edit in the new footage. I also still need to make a blog post on the music that my friend Greg has made for me.
I was unable to film a additional scene that I had planned where the two characters cross the road. I realised the cars were going to be too loud and we didn't want to distract any drivers and cause any accidents!
I also wanted to reshoot the bench scene, however the wind was even worse than before! Also, a plane seemed to be circling above making a large amount of noise.
Reflective Comment:
I'm pretty happy with the filming done overall. We were unable to film a few scenes due to weather and sound, but I was still able to film the crucial scenes. I am looking forward to editing it all together.
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