Tuesday, 1 November 2016

Poster planning

While the short film is the most important part of the coursework, the two ancillary tasks are also important. For the poster, I know what I want. You can find where I explain this in this post. I am planning to take the photo for the poster when I film the scene that the poster is replicating.

I'm hoping to take several shots of the same scene from different distances and different angles so that I can decide later which one to use. I'm wanting to use a very simple and bold text, something like Impact. Below I have attached some indie movie posters that I can draw inspiration from.

Image result for indie movie postersImage result for indie movie postersImage result for indie movie postersImage result for indie movie posters

Reflective Comment:
The main reason for this blog post was to make sure that I know what I am doing for this ancillary task. I have to make sure that I don't get so caught up in making the short film that I actually forget to complete the ancillary tasks. 

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